Grieving with Hope


In this well-researched work, Dr. Albín Masarik explores various features of funeral sermons arising from their unique context and homiletic process. While funeral sermons are an important element in pastoral care of churches and the wider community, theological reflection of this weighty responsibility can be hard to find. Addressing the definition of a funeral sermon, their categorization, purpose and context, this book brings clarity to inform the exercise of preaching a funeral sermon and help pastors and theologians grapple with how to best shepherd their flock and exalt our Saviour in the midst of bereavement.

About the Author

ALBÍN MASARIK is an associate professor in the Department of Evangelical Theology and Mission, Pedagogical Faculty of Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, where he has taught since 1993. He holds a PhD in New Testament Studies and Practical Theology from Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Dr Masarik has also worked for nearly 10 years as a Baptist pastor in Poprad, Slovakia. Albín is passionate about the personal and educational development in his village community and beyond, but also enjoys playing the piano and working with wood. He is married to Erika and they have two married sons and four grandchildren.

Book Information

ISBN: 9781783683772

Category: Christian Living

Region: Eastern Europe

Publishing Date: 2017-12-31

Number of pages: 182


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