First Things First


If you want to be a blessing to the kingdom, you have to get the basics right!

As the young Ken Kamau devoured books on leadership, he became increasingly aware that they were written by and for people who were way ahead of where he was in his life and ministry. He needed to know how one begins to be a leader, not how one continues to lead a large and successful ministry.

First Things First deals with spiritual and practical issues you need to address in the early days of leadership, before the spotlight is on you. Ken writes with humour about learning from mistakes and successes, how to lead as well as how to be led, and how to do it all while building a strong team at home and in the church – even if you don’t have a strong budget!

This book will speak to pastors and to anyone who wants to live for God. Whether we lead in the church or in the marketplace, we need to make sure we get the basics right – First Things First!

About the Author

Ken Kamau is the senior pastor of Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church in Nairobi, Kenya. An enthusiastic blogger, he describes himself as a pastor, disciple, husband, father, risk-taker, learner, and church planter who loves to use words to encourage and inspire.

Book Information


ISBN: 9789966003829

Category: Equipping Leaders


Publishing Date: 2016-06-14

Number of pages: 96


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