Compassion and the Mission of God


This book traces God’s compassion as it is revealed in the Old and New Testaments, exploring the expression and impact of compassion in the early church through its actions and teachings. Focusing on the church’s responsibility to be compassionate, Dr Rupen Das underlines the theological and missiological questions central to any discussion on the compassion of God. This book provides an excellent biblical and theological foundation for anyone involved or interested in ministries of social justice, relief, development and compassion.

About the Author

RUPEN DAS is National Director of the Canadian Bible Society. He was Research Professor of Social Justice, Compassion and Development at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, as well as on the faculty of the International Baptist Theological Study Center in Amsterdam. Dr. Das has extensive global experience in relief and development and has worked with several organizations, including World Vision. This experience, along with his long-term involvement in educational administration and theological education allows him to bring a mix of practice and academia to his writing, research and teaching.

Book Information


ISBN: 9781783681143

Category: Academic, Global Missions

Region: World

Publishing Date: 2016-01-14

Number of pages: 236


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